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Basic Concepts

This section covers some high level basic concepts that are important to understand for day to day Just-API usage. We highly recommend that you read this page before proceeding to use Just-API.

The High-level View

Just-API's main purpose is to test HTTP-based APIs without code, and make API testing easy, free and fast for everyone.

Write your API test specification and tell Just-API to run them. API test specification is written in YAML and we call each YAML file a test suite, with the option to write Javascript (using any npm module if needed) to implement custom logic.

Just-API is written with parallelism as high priority when running test suites, so your test execution takes as less time as possible.

Putting a test suite together

A test suite has three required sections - meta, configuration and specs.

And optional sections hooks and spec_dependencies (you can find more about these optional parts in later sections of the documentation).

The meta Section

Specify following suite attributes in this section

  • name (required attribute)
  • locate_files_relative (optional attribute)

name[String]: Give a name that describes the suite (e.g: like a microservice name)

locate_files_relative[Boolean]: Tells Just-API if file paths provided in the suite are relative to suite path or not. If false, Just-API will try to find files relative to Node process's current working directory. If true, Just-API will try to find files relative to the suite's path. Default value is false.

Note: This attribute value applies to every file path you provide in a suite.

The configuration Section

You can use configuration section to specify API's host, protocol, port etc. You can also provide a custom Javascript function to custom_configuration attribute, so it's easy to dynamically configure your suite at runtime.

The specs Section

specs section is a list of tests. Each test contains name, request, response validation specification, and a few other additional attributes.

An Example Suite

A sample suite for Star Wars API service would look like this:

  name: Star Wars service
  scheme: https
  base_path: /api
    run_type: inline
      function: !!js/function >
        function() {
 = '';
  - name: get Luke Skywalker info
      path: /people/1/
      method: get
      status_code: 200
        - path: $.name
          value: Luke Skywalker     
  - name: get all Star Wars Films
      path: /films/   
      method: get
      status_code: 200  


  • See the full set of features available in Features.
  • Learn about reporters in Reporters.