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Generating a report

Just-API has several built-in reporters, json, specs, html etc.

When you need a HTML report, you can invoke just-api with the --reporter option

./node_modules/.bin/just-api --reporter html

A sample html report:


Notice that report has request, response details for the failed test

Generating reports in multiple formats

Just-API can generate reports in multiple formats.

When you need a HTML report and a JSON report too, you could do something like this

./node_modules/.bin/just-api --reporter html,json

This way you can generate reports in multiple formats for the same run.

Custom Reporters

When built-in reporters do not provide the information you need, you can write a custom reporter and use it:

./node_modules/.bin/just-api --reporter html,custom-reporter-module-name

or if the reporter is local js file

./node_modules/.bin/just-api --reporter html,/absolute/path/to/js/file

Reporters in Just-API are JavaScript constructors. When instantiated, a reporter receives the test launcher object along with program options.

Just-API emits events on launcher object and suite object, So a custom reporter should listen to these events and implement reporting.

Following events are emitted on the launcher object

  • start
  • end
  • new suite (Indicates the start of a new suite)

And below events are emitted on each suite object

  • test pass
  • test fail
  • test skip
  • end (Indicates the end of a suite)

If you are looking to write a custom reporter, take a look at Just-API's JSON Reporter

Reporter options

Just-API accepts an additonal command line option --reporter-options that you can use to customize how and where reports are generated and saved.

You must pass a comma separated list of key and value pairs to this option as k=v,k2=v2,...

Following keys are supported currently.

  • jsonReportDir
  • jsonReportName
  • htmlReportDir
  • htmlReportName
  • logRequests

jsonReportDir: Provide an existing directory path that is relative to Just-API node process's cwd. JSON report will be saved to this directory.

htmlReportDir: Provide an existing directory path that is relative to Just-API node process's cwd. HTML report will be saved to this directory.

jsonReportName: Provide a name for the JSON report file. JSON report will be saved with this name.

htmlReportName: Provide a name for the HTML report file. HTML report will be saved with this name.

logRequests: Tells Just-API to log HTTP request & response details in reports for failed tests. Omit this if you don't want to log details.

A sample Just-API invocation would look like:

./node_modules/.bin/just-api --reporter html,json --reporter-options jsonReportDir=reports,jsonReportName=json-report,htmlReportDir=reports,htmlReportName=html-report,logRequests